

Posted on 9:13 PM by know about heart

Before proceeding CVS (cardiovascular system) examination, certain general points should be needed_
1) Look at the Patient carefully:
a) Dyspnoeic/orthopnoeic: Present in LVF (left ventricular failure)
b) Malar flush: Present in MS (mitral stenosis)
c) Cachexic: Present in Cardiac cachexia in Sever heart failure.
2) Anaemia: Present in_  
a) MI
b) Pulmonary embolus 
c) Infective endocarditis
3) Cyanosis: Present in_  
a) Congenital heart disease (Right to left shunt) 
b) HF (heart failure), AS (Aortic stenosis)
4) Face:
a) Marfanoid faceies: Present in Marfan’s syndrome 
b) Xanthelasma : Present in  Hypercholesterolaemia related to atherosclerosis in IHD.
5) Hand:
A) Clubbing: Present in_  
a) Congenital HD(heart disease) 
b) Infective Endocarditis
B) Osler's node: (Red, raised, Palpable, tender nodule on the pulp of the finger/toes, also in thenar or hypothenar area). Present in _
a) Subacute bacterial endocarditis.
C) Splinter haemorrhage: Present in  Subacute bacterial endocarditis
D)Janeway lesion :Palpable purpuric spot on the palm . Present in _
a) Subacute  bacterial endocarditis
E) Xanthoma (Palmar/tendon): Present in Atherosclerosis in IHD 
F)Tobacco stain : Present in  Smoker -IHD
6) Oedema: More apparent in dependent part. Present in _
a) Hypoalbuminaemia
b) Inferior venacaval obstruction
7) Ear-diagonal crease in the lobule of the auricle (Frank's sign) : Prerence of this sign indicates that IHD.
8) Acitis: Present in CCF, CD
9) Corneal arcus: Present in  cholesterol deposition.
10) Roths Spot: Flame Shaped retinal hge With a cotton-wool centre,
 Infective endocarditis


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